Sales­force Trail­blaz­ing Entre­pre­neurs Pod­cast App

Sales­force Trail­blaz­ing Entre­pre­neurs was a pod­cast that fea­tured inter­views with entre­pre­neurs who found suc­cess with the Sales­force plat­form. We designed and built the web­site for the pod­cast series.

The project let us flex our design, UX, and Javascript skills on the front end. We also cre­at­ed a fea­ture-rich CMS expe­ri­ence for the client behind the scenes. 

The app was a sin­gle-page expe­ri­ence that cre­at­ed deep links per episode so that social media posts and adver­tis­ing could pro­mote each new guest’s appear­ance. The Javascript app used a GraphQL API from Craft CMS for data. We also man­aged the host­ing on Heroku for the CMS and host­ed the front end on Par­dot.

Sf podcast 2021 web page